Bell Tents

A Bell Tent is a conical shaped canvas tent that uses a single pole at the center to create the pitch and ropes tied to the ground to stabilize the structure.


Canvas tents have been used throughout history, particularly in troop encampments during war. Contemporary bell tent are derived from the design for a Sibley tent, used in the civil war. Henry Hopkins Sibley adapted indigenous American tipis into his design utilizing a single pole. Bell tents today have become popular with the emergence of “glamping”.


Bell tents can travel to a variety of sites because they are so easily transported. Depending on your site, there is an opportunity to build a foundation over a variety of terrain, however, they can easily be placed on dry flat earth.


Bell Tents are highly mobile and easily transportable. Bell Tents are a great option for anyone who might want to change locations with changing weather.


Yurts are an extremely sustainable alternative habitat. Not only do they make minimal impact in terms of material use, yurts that utilize recycled materials can be easily bought and built.

Best Climate For Bell Tents

With little opportunities for insulation and little structural reinforcements, bell tents are best suited for warm to mild climates. Modern canvas material can be reliably weather proof so they are suitable for rain.

The Cost Of A Bell Tent

Bell tent structures are an extremely affordable option, many of them under $1,000. There may be additional cost to building platforms, setting up utilities and comfort control, but??? MICHAELA PLEASE CHECK WHEN YOU HAVE A CHANCE.


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