
a trailer is an enclosed shelter on wheels that can be towed behind a vehicle.


The origins of trailers can be seen across history and culture in examples like the American covered wagon, but the modern camper movement began to take hold in the 1920’s. Families of average means favored trailers over RV’s and they began to represent the everyman’s means of escape and relaxation.


Trailers are best suited for level sites that can be easily accessed by a road. Trailers are mostly limited by well maintained roads.


Trailers are one of the most mobile options of alternative habitats. Being a structure on wheels means that it is easy to move quickly.


Depending on the climate, trailers can be relatively sustainable. They are usually clad in heat conducting metal making the temperature controls a source of energy consumption. Another factor in the environmental impact is the amount of movement you are doing in the trailer and what type of car you are towing it with.


Trailers can be suited for many climates. Like shipping containers they may not be the best option for hot climates, as they may require a lot of energy to compensate for the heat conducted by the metal cladding.


Trailers have a huge variation in price. Used trailers can be very inexpensive, while some luxury trailers can cost up to $60,000. The average cost of a new trailer usually ranges between $10,000 and $30,000.


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